Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blog #1. The first Instinct

When reading novels or even stories of any kind it is always natural to think about what you believe is going to happen. From the time you look at the front cover of the book you are given clues which lead you to think in a certain directions. Normally the covers give you helpful hints about what is going to happen, and other times it can just be nothing more than a good image. But our minds still have us look at the picture and think of all the possbile scenarios that could take place within the book. While reading these intial thoughts are either pursued futher by evidence pushing in that direction or we come to a completely different idea through the readings. While reading The Socerer's Stone I thought that it would be Snape who was the villian. He was always described in such a poor light and had all the characteristics of what a typical villian would have so I thought that it was only natural for him to the bad guy in the story. I was thrown for such a loop when I found out that it was none other than Proffesor Quirrell and Voldemort who were the villians. I have never read any of the Harry Potter books before this class and I honestly did not think that Lord Voldemort would have been the villian because I knew that the series was so long. I intially thought that I would have to wait until the later books for him to be the villain so I was really surprised when he was in the first book. When I learned who the villians were I was so surprised because there were so many clues that pushed me in the other direction. But I guess that is what makes the books so addicting and exciting. You think that you have the right conclusion and you think that you have outsmarted the author when in reality you have the complete wrong idea. It makes the reading fun and really helps you to think when reading the next books. Now I am careful to come to conclusions too fast and Im always looking for signs that might help me figure out who the true villian will end up being at the end. In the second book I was just as surprised to how the book ended. I would have never believed that someone as young and innocent as Ginny would be the one who opened up the Chamber of Secrets allowing Voldemort to once again get in the school. This is even more of a suprise because Voldemort wants to hurt Harry and Ginny is so infatuated with him that she would have never in her right mind done anything to hurt Harry. This ending was extremely eerie because it told the readers that the villains can be right under your nose the whole entire time and you will never even know it. Evil people have a way of bending the rules and expections. These books are so enthralling because of their exciting endings. I have learned never to go with my first instint while reading these books because more than often than not it is extremely wrong.

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